Thursday, 5 July 2007

Back to Sudbury

Back to Sudbury on Tuesday to record songs with the school in the morning and with the Senior Citizens in the afternoon. The most heartening thing was that I found that the bringing together of the two groups has had a really positive effect in this small community. The school is now seen as more welcoming and a good place for learning. The older people seem very open about future involvements and the feeling with both groups was warm and enthusiastic. I discussed supporting the community in some way to secure greater control over their use and improvement of their Parish Room or other community facility - contacting the Parish Council to talk about the work and emphasise the need for good community facilities for such projects. Everyone seemed very pleased with their recordings despite it only being onto minidisc and done with the minimum of rehearsal. I was given this press cutting, some photos and a lettuce!

I told the children about my idea of writing a love song to the John Deere tractor and one girl siad she could deliver it as she lived next door. Now there's a thought....

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